All You Need to Know About Linear Motion Potentiometer
ETCC is one of the leading linear motion potentiometer manufacturers. A linear potentiometer is meant to produce an output that varies as per the position of a slider or a wiper. These are resistors with three leads. Two of the three connects with each other in order to fix the resistance between them. The third lead acts a connector to a slider or a wiper that moves along the resistor fluctuating the resistance between it and the other two connections.
Linear potentiometers are used in marine, test labs, farming machineries and heavy industrial processing. Standard resistance of potentiometers are 1 ke/inch. Majorly power dissipation which is a process in which an electrical product produces heat is 0.5 Watt per inch stroke. These potentiometers are mainly operated at -50degree Celsius to 85 degree Celsius. The maximum applied voltage is 130V. Nowadayslinear motion potentiometer manufacturers are reaping huge profits because of high demands.
Ganged Potentiometers
ETCC is also one of the leading ganged potentiometer manufacturers. A ganged potentiometer is basically a multiple resistors of the equivalent or sometimes different value, ganged together normally on a single shaft used in audio devices such as stereo systems as volume can be adjusted. The gang pots are also used for tone control and other electronic lab equipment. These potentiometers can be customized as per the requirements as they have a vast range of ohmic value that is 10 Ohms 100 Ohms which can be used as per the appliance it is needed for.
The main difference between liner and ganged potentiometer is just as the name suggests. The linear potentiometer is mainly operated by a single connection of resistance and ganged potentiometer work with multiple resistant connections. Ganged potentiometer manufacturers are now met with huge demand of these potentiometers.